大西洋(英语 Atlantic Ocean)一词,源于希腊语词,意谓希腊神话中擎天巨神阿特拉斯(Atlas)之海。按拉丁语,大西洋称为MareAtlanticum,希腊语的拉丁化形式为Atlantis。原指地中海直布罗陀海峡至加那利群岛之间的海域,以后泛指整个海域。在有些拉丁语的文献中,大西洋也称为OceanusOccidentalis,意即西方大洋。
The first part of its name refers to the Atlas of Greek mythology, making the Atlantic the "Sea of Atlas". The oldest known mention of this name is contained in The Histories of Herodotus around 450 BC (I 202); see also: Atlas Mountains. Before Europeans discovered other oceans, the term "ocean" was synonymous with the waters beyond Western Europe that we now know as the Atlantic and which the Greeks had believed to be a gigantic river encircling the world; see Oceanus.


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